24 things to let go of in 2024 

By Sarah Cannata

  1. Saying ‘yes’ when your body says ‘no’
  2. Living beyond your means
  3. Taking tomorrow for granted
  4. Shame – it’s toxic. Work on processing whatever feelings and emotions you need to from a place of safety
  5. Anything that makes you feel out of alignment with who you are
  6. Comparison – life is about you versus you
  7. Ignoring your physical body until it screams at you
  8. The need to explain yourself to others
  9. Perfection – it’s a useless pursuit
  10. The words ‘too busy’ – you simply mean you have other priorities
  11. The past – you exist in the here and now
  12. The future – as above
  13. Things that don’t light up your soul (you can shed things gradually)
  14. People who only remember you exist when it suits them
  15. The notion ‘I’ll be happy when…’
  16. Anything that makes you feel ‘less than’
  17. Doing things simply to keep the peace
  18. Fixed ideas about who you are that do not allow you to grow and evolve
  19. The need to live life according to anyone else’s wishes
  20. Trapped feelings and emotions: continually stuffing things down does not end well
  21. The ‘what if’s’ – they are pointless
  22. Seriousness – have a laugh
  23. Habits you don’t feel are serving you
  24. A dream that feels hard to achieve: you are worth whatever it takes


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