Feelings and emotions can make eating feel way harder than it 'should' be. 

Watch the video for an explanation of the resources (a PDF and three guided meditations) that can help you (or a loved one) in a time of need.


In this video, I'll show you how you can use these resources whenever you feel triggered by food.

*Note: these resources are not intended to replace any professional treatment you are currently receiving or intend to seek. Sarah Cannata is not a doctor, dietitian, psychologist, psychiatrist or other professional healthcare provider and does not provide medical advice.

#2: Download the PDF

In moments of struggle and nervous system dysregulation, it can be hard to watch a video or listen to audio files. I get it. In time, this will get easier. For now, I've put together a short PDF (click to download) that can help you when you're feeling too triggered to do anything else.

#3: Download the Audio Files

You can find the three audio files mentioned in the video here (click to download). Try each of the resourcing meditations at least once and feel into which meditation is best for you to work with. Practising resourcing daily (more if you feel called) will mean it's easier to draw on the practice whenever you are triggered.


Within Australia - phone 000, go to your doctor or hospital, or phone Lifeline 13 11 14, or Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

Outside of Australia - please dial your country's emergency number or visit your family doctor or nearest hospital.

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