You can write a book. You can run a marathon. You can learn how to play the piano. [Enter whatever aspiration feels wildly out of ...
Sarah also regularly writes for Elephant Journal. View her author profile.
Am I describing you here? You like the idea of writing but can’t seem to establish a regular writing practice that works for you  You ...
‘Trauma’ is a word that comes with baggage. The more I learn about the autonomic nervous system and walk my own path, the more I ...
We all have experiences in life that challenge us. Some of these experiences leave us with short and long-term scars. I believe in this definition ...
I’m a routine-driven person. I do the same things daily. I wake up; go on a 40-minute walk; listen to a meditation; start work; try ...
From mid-May until the second week of June 2023, I’ve been overseas on holiday. Not the kind of trip you take each year. The type ...
While I am interested in the research about the benefits of writing, my path with writing as a healing tool began way before I knew ...
Finding your storytelling voice isn’t difficult. People overcomplicate things. Your storytelling voice doesn’t need to be discovered. It’s already within you. Relatability ...
Shame. It’s one of the most toxic emotions and if you give it an inch, it will control your life. Shame is far more clever ...
Storytelling is the fabric that unites us. With the rapid rise of technology, almost everyone has the power to share their story. While the most ...